Passive House Underbuild
Under build starts and all is as per a standard house except for one crucial detail
The photo above denotes the first cold bridge elimination at subfloor, more commonly overlooked in traditional builds. We had originally intended to use a Foamglas block with a thermal conductivity Lambda value of 0.058 W(m/k), however having run a Quinlite block (0.19 W(mK) through a Therm calc we found that it still achieved a cold bridge elimination (less than 0.01W/mK). Essentially this block will link the floor insulation to the wall insulation
Fig.1 – Local building built to current Building Regs completed in 2011
Note the red lines at the base of this recently constructed building built to today's building standard, they highlight the need for better thermal bridge junctions – something that is a key requirement of Passive House